People find The Good Space during a life transition or spiritual shift. They’re searching for peace and stumble upon a post I wrote, or a friend recommends us to them. They’re usually experiencing:

A death or divorce

Career change

A major move

Feeling overwhelmed and out of control of their life

Desire to work on themselves and raise their energy

Desire to practice better self-care

Looking for ways to shield their energy from toxic people or situations

Seeking spiritual expansion and growth 

Needing inspiration

Wanting to connect to their higher self

And other pivotal moments

If you relate to this, you’re in the right place.

What to expect

  • Bite-sized emails 3x a week that sprinkle joy and peace into your day.

  • A longer email on Sundays with a thoughtful message, book recommendations, extra resources, and more to ground you and set you up for a positive week.

  • A global community of people looking to connect and chat with others to understand the spiritual self better and grow in a peaceful and supportive way.

About me

My name’s Francesca Phillips, and I’ve been writing online for many years, mostly on my blog and Medium, where I have 1,700+ followers. I’m also a songwriter and copywriter, and I have a B.A. in Psychology. I recently moved to Los Angeles after being in New York City for six years. I’ve written The Good Space emails for the last few years and enjoy connecting with our amazing community. Seriously, they’re the most remarkable people I know.

I felt isolated and lonely when I moved abroad as a newlywed in 2015. Books were a constant source of comfort. As I read Abraham Hicks, Wayne Dyer, and others, a lot of things clicked in a way they hadn’t before. They helped me find inspiration, connect to my authentic voice, and raise my energy and frequency. Then I thought, what if this was what someone else needed, too?

I was sad thinking someone else might feel alone, overwhelmed, and disconnected from their greater purpose when all they need is a supportive friend and the right piece of wisdom. I didn’t want to see that.

Especially if I’m reading allll the books anyway. Why not distill and share what’s most valuable so the barrier to entry isn’t so high? Many professionals don’t have the time or energy to dive into the books that I do. But that shouldn’t be an obstacle to benefitting from the information.

That’s why I started The Good Space.

Why it’s worth subscribing

“TGS became what felt like a nurturing friend helping me find my footing day to day…You have helped me find authenticity in the slower pace lifestyle so that I can start to create a life and purpose of my own, not pushed onto me by society.”

— Amy Z.

“Just have to say- each e-mail just gets better than the last!!! These dailies have become such a source of joy for me…. Sometimes I read them first thing in the morning, or sometimes as I’m getting caught up on the day before bed - but each time, the message is exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. Can’t thank you enough for creating this content.”

— Ellen P.

“Thank you for all of your emails always inspiring and keeps me happy and positive.”

— Nancy T.

“I read your email every day and it offers up something interesting everyday. Not only interesting, but something I put into practical use every day. thank you so much for creating this space in my hundreds of emails.”

— Vikki A.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for your much needed real raw and honest thoughts, motivation. Your messages have a way of completely shifting my perspective for the better and I really appreciate your wisdom and thank you sharing it and not over complicating it - you must help so many, many people!”

— Cathy J.

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Subscribe to The Good Space by Francesca Phillips

Bite-size inspiration that helps you start your day in a slow and peaceful way. Empowering & empathetic self development. About Francesca: BA in Psychology. Copywriter. Anxiety-prone person taking small steps every day.


I write The Good Space and have a B.A. in Psychology. I make self-development easier by devouring books and distilling the most useful information into doable actions. I'm also a copywriter and strategist for brands. Say hi!